Sunday Mornings
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Join us each Sunday as we sing a mixture of hymns, choruses, pray, read the Bible, listen to a sermon, and worship Jesus Christ together.
Nursery (0 - 4 years)
Children's Church (Kindergarten - 5th grade)
Sunday Evenings
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Adult Study Classes (6:15 Start)
Awana (3yrs - 6th grade)
Youth (7th -12th grade)
Tuesday Mornings
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Men's Bible Study
In Addition:
January 25th: Youth Winter Jam
February 3rd: Youth Winter Jam
February 28th 6:00-8:30PM: Men's Night Dinner & Bowling
March 9th 2:00PM: Baby Shower for Kassidy & Tristan
March 29th 6:30PM: Good Friday Service
March 31st 10:30AM: Resurrection Sunday
April 2nd 6:30-7:30PM: Women's Bible Study - Hebrews - Tuesdays.
May 19th 6:00-7:00PM: Awana Closing Program
May 26th 6:00-7:00PM: Music Talent Josh Snodgrass
June 23rd 5:30-7:30PM: Friends and Family Picnic. Grilled hot dogs & games.
June 24th-27th 6:00-8:00PM: Vacation Bible School (VBS) Sign-up >>
September 7th 10AM: Women's Brunch. Bring Dish to Pass.
September 15th 6:15PM: Spiritual Gift Study begins.
September: Monthly Fellowship Dinners begin. Ask to be included.
November 12th 6:00-8:00PM: Women's Ministry. Cooking with Kim.
November 18th-25th: Operation Christmas Child. Collecting for Children.
November 20th 6:15PM: Thanksgiving Dinner. Sign up.
December 7th 10:00AM: Women's Ministry. Christmas Gathering at Church.
December 15th 6:00-7:00PM: Christmas Celebration.
February 19th: Pot Luck following Morning Service
February 22nd 6:15-7:30 PM: Men's Night
March 10th 6:00-8:00PM: Marriage Retreat Part 1. Dinner & Childcare Included
March 11th 9:30-11:00AM: Marriage Retreat Part 2. Breakfast & Childcare Included
March 15th 6:30-7:30PM: The Walkers Visit & Share a Ministry Update
April 7th 6:00-6:45PM: Good Friday Service
April 16th 6:15-7:15PM: Musician and Speaker Josh Snodgrass
April 19th 6:15-7:30PM: Men's Night
May 14th 10:30AM: Visitors from India. Pot Luck Lunch Following.
May 21th 6:00PM: AWANA End of School Year Commencement. Cookout to Follow.
May 24th 6:00-8:00PM: Couples Game Night. Dinner Included
June 4th 1:30-4:30: Family Fun Day. Food & Games, Bouncy House, & Face Painting
June 5th-7th 6:00-8:00PM: Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 12th 1:00-3:00PM: Men's Afternoon
July 19th 6:15-7:30PM: Men's Night
July 29th 9:30AM: Women's Breakfast. Pot Luck.
September 10th 6:00-8:00PM: Family Movie Night; "Family Camp" with Snacks
September 17th 6:00-7:15PM: Awana Starts Back Up, Ages 3 Years Through 6th Grade
September 17th 6:15-7:15PM: Spectrum Adult Classes Begin
October 3rd 6:30-7:30PM: Women's Bible Study - Esther. Six biweekly sessions
November 13th - 20th: Operation Christmas Child Collection Week
November 15 6PM: Thanksgiving Dinner
November 21 7PM: Baptism Service
December 9th 10:30-12:00AM: Women's Christmas Party. Contact for Location
December 9th 4:00 -6:00PM: Youth Christmas Party
December 17th 6:00PM: Stanford's Christmas Program